Recently our little family became the happy owners of a Synology DS207+ NAS server.
After setting up and getting the basic services running (which didn’t take long…great job Synology!) I started wondering wether this new toy could be used in conjunction with Time Machine for backing up?
Surely I could not be the first person in the world to get that idea now, could I?
No of corse not, and after some pokin around, I managed to find a recipe that worked like a charm.
To enable back up is fairly simple (when you know how of course!). Only two things differs from when you’re just using an external harddisc for Time Machine backups:
- You need to enable NAS support for Time Machine
- You need to create a sparsebundle file locally on your machine and then copy it to your NAS server
And the good part is….it’s all explained on the blog linked to above, so go on, click the link, follow the instructions there, and get even more from your NAS server.